Trademark Search
Check Existing Trademarks, Brand Names And Domain Names Before Launching Products Or Services
Why Do You Need Trademark Search?
Helps explore existing exact, near exact and similar sounding marks
Identifying marks that could limit you from registering trademark
While designing logos to check for any existing similar logos
To check for counterfeit products and explore monetization opportunities
Why Boolean IP Consulting For Trademark Searches?
Highly Comprehensive Reports
Our Experts are familiar with the complex trademark laws and common laws.
Global, country specific and localized trademark searches.
Capability to search for word marks, image marks, and phonetically similar marks.
Competency and access for searching on various national registers, depository libraries of various states and many paid databases.
Searches outside registry using various Common Law Sources.
Searches for internet domain names.
Hybrid Approach
Our searches are conducted using a combination of Investigative Thorough Search by Technology Experts as well as Search by Machine Learned/AI powered Tools to keep the coverage maximum and minimize the possibility of missing out on relevant patent documents.
We do not perform Only Machine Learned/AI based searches, and we only use these tools to supplement the searches conducted by our technology experts.
Flexible and Personalized Solutions
Whether it comes to our solution reports, project timelines, time zone difference calls or costing modules; we provide services suitable for everyone’s personal taste and needs. Wherever needed, we adopt an agile model of engagement to keep you satisfied, always.
Agile Communication
We follow an agile model of communication i.e. keep you updated with the search findings throughout the project cycle and when you are busy we set the right expectations from search initiation to avoid any surprises in outcome and trim the interim connections.
Because You Need It On Time, Every Time
Far-reaching effects of IP decisions make it essential that you not only get the research you want at time of your choice but you also get it every time. It is our mission to deliver Dependable, Intelligent and Personalized Research On-time, Every Time!
Price Sensitive? Don't Worry, We've Got You Covered!
Experience peace of mind with our adaptable and exceptionally competitive pricing options. Reach out to us to outline your specific needs and compare our pricing against industry peers. If you happen to come across a better quotation, we are more than willing to match it, ensuring your satisfaction with our pricing.
What is a patentability search?A patentability search, also known as a novelty or prior art search, is a comprehensive investigation to determine if an invention or idea is eligible for patent protection by identifying prior patents and publications related to the concept.
Why should I conduct a patentability search?Conducting a patentability search helps assess whether your invention is novel and non-obvious, two essential criteria for patent eligibility. It can save time and resources by avoiding pursuing patents for ideas already in the public domain.
When should I conduct a patentability search?It's advisable to perform a patentability search before investing significant time and resources in developing your invention, as early as possible in the innovation process.
Who should conduct a patentability search?Patent attorneys, patent agents, or professional search firms with expertise in intellectual property can perform patentability searches. It's crucial to have someone knowledgeable in patent law and search techniques to ensure comprehensive results.
What information is needed for a patentability search?To conduct a patentability search, you should provide a detailed description of your invention, including any drawings, diagrams, or prototypes. Additionally, any relevant keywords or phrases can assist in the search.
How long does a patentability search take?The duration of a patentability search can vary depending on the complexity of the invention and the volume of existing patents and publications. It may take anywhere between 4 to 8 working days.
What is considered prior art in a patentability search?Prior art includes any publicly available information, such as patents, patent applications, research papers, articles, and any other documentation relevant to the invention's field of technology.
What if I find similar prior art during the search?If you uncover similar prior art, it doesn't necessarily mean you can't obtain a patent. We can assess the relevance and help you determine if there are distinguishing features that could make your invention patentable.
Does a patentability search guarantee a patent grant?No, a patentability search doesn't guarantee a patent grant. It only provides information about the existing state of the art. Whether you can obtain a patent depends on various factors, including the novelty and non-obviousness of your invention. We can help you during the prosecution of your patent application resulting into grant of your patent.
What are the potential benefits of conducting a patentability search?Conducting a patentability search can help you: Avoid pursuing ideas that lack novelty. Save time and money on unnecessary patent applications. Enhance the quality and strength of your patent application. Better understand your competition and the state of the industry in your field of technology.